

Anti-ageing treatments protect your skin from ageing with the help of cosmetics, surgeries, exercises, diet, etc. This section provides tips from experts on how you can keep your skin from ageing, what methods you can adopt as well as articles on whether or not the latest treatments available are good in the long run.

Is your skin ageing prematurely? Find out with these signs

How to look like in your 20s when in your 30s — a dermatologist’s guide

What is a good anti-ageing cream for men? (Beauty query of the day)

Anti-Ageing Creams And Products

A wide range of face creams, lotions and gels are easily available in the market. They claim to reverse ageing by reducing wrinkles and damage caused by the sun. Most of these creams are not scientifically tested for effectiveness and contain a variety of chemicals. What all anti-ageing creams mostly do is hydrate the skin and plump up the surface resulting in a radiant, soft tone and texture. Here are some posts to help you make the right choice.

Are anti-ageing products bad for you in the long run?


Do anti-ageing creams really work? 

Would you inject your own blood into your face to fight ageing


How to select a good anti-ageing cream

Anti-Ageing Treatments And Procedures

Science has made it easy to reverse the effects of ageing. While cosmetics are an easy way out, surgeries and medicines are also one of the ways to turn round ageing. Treatments like Botox are commonly used to

get rid of signs of ageing like wrinkles and lines

 and have been popularised by celebrities. Another treatment gaining popularity is using dermal fillers where hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, which helps in collagen building.

Botox: Is it really safe? 

BOTOX - Facts you should know

How to get rid of crow’s feet


More and more youngsters opting for non-surgical beautifying procedures

How dermal fillers can keep your skin looking youthful

Peel off years from your face and look younger with laser skin resurfacing

Delay skin ageing with collagen capsules

Anti-aging pills could have an opposite effect

Say goodbye to sagging skin with this new anti-ageing treatment!

Exercise And Anti-Ageing

Facial exercises help in toning the facial muscles and increase blood circulation. Facial yoga is one such form of exercise that helps tackle different problem areas of the face and rejuvenates your skin.

Keep your face fit with face yoga

11 ways exercise can make you more beautiful 

Banish wrinkles and other signs of ageing with these 7 yoga poses

Face yoga tutorials to keep wrinkles away

Home Remedies For Ageing Skin

The effect of ageing can be prevented effectively using natural products and commonly available ingredients at home. This is an inexpensive method to banish those wrinkles and reduce age spots.

Look 10 years younger with these 5 home remedies!

3 secret anti-ageing potions revealed!

Want to look younger? Try this Natural Food Diet Plan

5 foods which can prevent early ageing of skin

5 anti-ageing home remedies to keep your skin youthful

Tips To Beat Ageing Skin

While there are many options available to reverse ageing, certain tips by experts will definitely help you sort out your anti-ageing beauty regime.

10 tips to prevent wrinkles and other signs of ageing

Fight signs of ageing with this skincare routine: Tips by expert

Beauty sleep’ – it ain’t a myth!

Top 5 myths about wrinkles

How to prevent wrinkles and other signs of ageing

Smile! It keeps you looking younger

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